Jurassic World Collection

(Part of Baldaek's Collection)

(42 total cards collected)

96% collected!

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Most valuable card collected from this set:

Hunting Velociraptor

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← Jurassic World Collection Variants Special Guests →

Don't Move
x1 (+1 foils)
$5.49 ($9.26 foil)

Cresting Mosasaurus
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($3.88 foil)

Spitting Dilophosaurus
x0 (+1 foils)
$7.50 ($12.17 foil)

Hunting Velociraptor
$31.40 ($39.19 foil)

Life Finds a Way
x1 (+1 foils)
$3.89 ($6.63 foil)

Savage Order
$14.09 ($18.50 foil)

Welcome to . . . // Jurassic Park
$15.99 ($20.58 foil)

Blue, Loyal Raptor
x1 (+1 foils)
$2.49 ($5.32 foil)

Compy Swarm
x1 (+1 foils)
$4.43 ($6.83 foil)

Ellie and Alan, Paleontologists
$0.98 ($3.56 foil)

Grim Giganotosaurus
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.88 ($4.52 foil)

Henry Wu, InGen Geneticist
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($1.21 foil)

Ian Malcolm, Chaotician
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.99 ($7.28 foil)

Indominus Rex, Alpha
$6.22 ($15.45 foil)

Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid
$20.95 ($33.51 foil)

Owen Grady, Raptor Trainer
$2.45 ($7.39 foil)

Permission Denied
x1 (+1 foils)
$5.25 ($11.14 foil)

Ravenous Tyrannosaurus
$29.99 ($43.51 foil)

Swooping Pteranodon
x1 (+1 foils)
$4.00 ($7.01 foil)

Dino DNA
x1 (+1 foils)
$6.00 ($10.18 foil)

Plains // Plains
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.25 ($4.69 foil)

Island // Island
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.92 ($3.49 foil)

Swamp // Swamp
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.59 ($3.27 foil)

Mountain // Mountain
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.85 ($6.26 foil)

Forest // Forest
x1 (+1 foils)
$4.27 ($12.17 foil)

Command Tower // Command Tower
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.89 ($5.03 foil)
← Jurassic World Collection Variants Special Guests →
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