From the Vault: Relics

(Part of Manath's Collection)

(15 total cards collected)

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Most valuable card collected from this set:

Mox Diamond
$861.37 (foil)

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← Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret Magic 2011 →

Æther Vial
x0 (+1 foils)
($7.32 foil)

Black Vise
x0 (+1 foils)
($4.06 foil)

Isochron Scepter
x0 (+1 foils)
($23.79 foil)

Ivory Tower
x0 (+1 foils)
($2.39 foil)

Jester's Cap
x0 (+1 foils)
($0.88 foil)

Karn, Silver Golem
x0 (+1 foils)
($12.53 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
($2.23 foil)

Memory Jar
x0 (+1 foils)
($39.98 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
($1.29 foil)

Mox Diamond
x0 (+1 foils)
($861.37 foil)

Nevinyrral's Disk
x0 (+1 foils)
($4.66 foil)

Sol Ring
x0 (+1 foils)
($17.98 foil)

Sundering Titan
x0 (+1 foils)
($1.22 foil)

Sword of Body and Mind
x0 (+1 foils)
($17.97 foil)

Zuran Orb
x0 (+1 foils)
($10.84 foil)
← Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret Magic 2011 →
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